A recent random thought.... the more I study, the more tired and bored I am. The more I play, the more fun and excitment I have. What's wrong with this picture? Why must we study for 1/2 of our able working lives (avg. retiree of our generation will be around 85)? That only leaves about 60 years to play around with, and by then we will almost be 30- the set in your ways age, where you dont want to change what you do for the sake of having someone else, by time you're out of this phase you ar...
Every day we learn new things about ourselves, recently I've been learning about myself, but through my interactions with other people. Isn't that cool? You can totally observe your life by analyzing how people react to you. Right now I'm going to take the time to record some current "reactions" from some people i know: Mac"ken"zie- Feels like i lecture her, but knows that I only tell her what I see so that she knows what's going on from an outside perspective. She also challenges my though...
Yep, so I finally gave in. I'm going to try this and see how it goes. My life is so simple and yet so complicated, FOR STARTERS... I'm a normal/avgerage college gal. I feel like I am pretty active on campus and I have a good number of friends....BUT what is normal? I used to think C meant average, but that's actually below average these days, I'm active only in areas of campus life that I am passionate or aware of, and I have a lot of friends that are on the "hey, what's up?" level, and on...