Here's a peak into what goes through my mind
Published on December 9, 2003 By UGA Sipinchick In Welcome
Yep, so I finally gave in. I'm going to try this and see how it goes. My life is so simple and yet so complicated,
FOR STARTERS... I'm a normal/avgerage college gal. I feel like I am pretty active on campus and I have a good number of friends....BUT what is normal? I used to think C meant average, but that's actually below average these days, I'm active only in areas of campus life that I am passionate or aware of, and I have a lot of friends that are on the "hey, what's up?" level, and only a few on the "how did your thing go last week, i know were stressed out" level. So, maybe I can be a balanced average- above in some areas, slightly below in others. Oh well, i suppose everyone has their ups an downs, right? Ok, good. Well that's my for starters. I'm off to bed because tomorrow i have a presentation, eww-la-la!
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