Here's a peak into what goes through my mind
Published on December 10, 2003 By UGA Sipinchick In Philosophy
A recent random thought.... the more I study, the more tired and bored I am. The more I play, the more fun and excitment I have. What's wrong with this picture? Why must we study for 1/2 of our able working lives (avg. retiree of our generation will be around 85)? That only leaves about 60 years to play around with, and by then we will almost be 30- the set in your ways age, where you dont want to change what you do for the sake of having someone else, by time you're out of this phase you are 35-40, when you start to either become desperate or you start your mid-life crisis, both change you completely, so whatever chances you had before these changes are out the window! After all is said and done, our "well educated" generation will all be in a singles geriatrics unit still trying to pick each other up!
on Dec 14, 2003
what up lady? its cool that you gave in I'm getting a digicam for christmas, and so Caro and I are gonna spend a whole night making garish/sexy/crazy blog and friendster pictures. You want in on this action? I know you do~

hopefully see you at Transmet in T minus one hour, thirty four minutes...
on May 20, 2004
nice little set of observations. Trust me whilst you're studying you can find the time and the cash to play too. Once you have to go into the outside world fully then thats it, home, family, responsibility where did all the opportunity for fun go? All we have left is the BLOG. It keeps us sane it gives us an outlet it enables us to tell the outside world whats going on without owning up.